Dear Donor:
The Swartz Creek Area Senior Center's mission is to meet the needs of senior citizens in our community. This is achieved through programs designed to provide services in the areas of information and referral, social, physical, emotional, education, growth, self-worth, community involvement, and intellectual quality of life for adults age 50 and older, their families, and caregivers.
The Senior Services Millage was approved by the voters of Genesee County in 2006 and the funds received are used for Administrative, Programming and Operating expenses. In the current weak economy causing reduced funding your donations have never been more important. Donations from individuals, are businesses and other organizations help us to continue to address the ongoning needs of seniors, and help us continue to provide quality services. Each and every donation is important to us.
Your gift will help us to serve not only the seniors currently living in our area, but also future generations of older adults. most importantly, your gift will assure the economic viability and continued existence of the Senior Center
Recognition Plaques to be displaced on Senior Center wall
ALL GIFTS ARE TAX DEDUCTIBLE to the full extent allowed by the law. Please note: No goods or services are given.
Sincerely Yours,
Barbara McCallum
website donation form (pdf)